Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I-40 and Route 66

On the road heading east on I-40 Passed several hitchhikers but none came close to a Brad Pitt, maybe his father would be more compatible.
We got bogged down toady with a stop at Ortega's souvenir, gas stop, and CASINO visit. We got our kicks on Route 66
or at least a free t-shirt at the Route 66 Casino. Carol finally broke even-- for one visit. T&L went off in search of antique malls and found 3 stores where we could leave some
money to help the local economy along. Though Albuquerque looks more prosperous that some other places. One shop is owned by a woman originally from Detroit
and she spotted the Woodward cruise shirt right away.
Had dinner at the Silver Moon Restaurant to feast on Mexican American in Santa Rosa NM and imbide a Roswell Alien Amber! Salsa and sauces were very spicy and they
were out of sour cream!

If we had room Thelma saw an old coke machine we could have tied to the
roof if we could have lifted it up there.

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